
Best product for acne....?

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Im a 12 year old gurl and i have like bad acne .... i dont eat any chocolate or chips and i dont drink pop. I've tried acne-free, aveno, Cetaphil and neutrogina washes and NONE Of them have worked .... i've gaven each product at LEAST 2 months and my acne still keeps getting worse! The doctor gave me a pill and i've been taking it everyday and its not helping at all, and tomorow i start school and my face is broke out and it looks bad. and i just dyed my hair a really dark brown and so my zits pop out even more ! What face wash should i get ( like proactive or clear and clean acne kit )and waht can i do over night to help my acne start to go away???? thanks :D




  1. Get the Proactive full package. Everyone I know who has used it (including me :D) has loved it!

  2. You might try lemon juice. Dab the juice, which is citric acid, on with a cotton tip. Open your pores first with a warm cloth.

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