
Best proposal (for marriage)?

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I am interested to know how you were prososed to or how you proposed to that special someone.

Best one gets the points.




  1. h

  2. It was 1 week after our 2 year anniversary and my husband brought me to Daytona Beach for our anniversary. I love lighthouses and there is a huge one there so he was taking me there to see it. Once we got there it was soooo tall my husband freaked a little cause he is scared of heights. I told him we didn't have to go up but he insisted. Once we got to the top there was noone else there and I turned around and there he was on one knee. It was soooooo sweet and romantice. We ended up getting married in Daytona Beach too.


  3. my fiance and i had been dating for several years.  he worked at a hotel restaurant and i would always come by and take breaks with him at work.  one day, he called me and asked me to come by a little early (no big deal, right?  he'd asked me before to come a little early so he could cook me something), and not even thinking about it, i headed right on over.  i should have known something was up when a friend of ours wasn't at the front desk.  i walked into the kitchen via the break room and low and behold, there he was on his knee in the kitchen waiting for me in front of some of the restaurant staff and with some of our friends there too.  story short, he asked, i said yes.

  4. Probably the people on Y!A are sick of hearing this story, because I've told it several times on different posts, but here we go again:

    My BF and I had been together for over 5 years and I was starting to wonder if he'd ever propose, but I refused to be "Ultimatum Girl" and decided to just let it happen when it happened.  So it was this past New Year's Eve, and we were originally supposed to go downtown for the New Year's fireworks show, but it was so bitter cold here in Denver (like 15 degrees!) that all of our friends elected to just come over to our house to celebrate instead.  Well, I got a little bent out of shape at the change in plans, because I wanted to go out and party, but once everyone got there it was a lot of fun, and we just drank champagne and played a lot of Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution, and acted silly with party poppers, etc.

    Anyway, about 3 minutes to midnight, we've got the d**k Clark special on, waiting for the ball to drop in Times Square, and suddenly someone mutes the TV, and someone else puts on the CD player which is playing "our" song, which is "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley.  (A lovely song, if you've never heard oldie but a goodie, but I digress...) My lovely BF comes over and asks me to dance right there in our living room, with our friends watching.  I still didn't think anything of it, because he is a sentimental type who loves to be romantic and dance, especially after a few glasses of champagne.  So I dance with him, and he twirls me around, and when I come back to face him, there he is on one knee, holding out a lovely diamond ring which I picked out myself a long, long time ago when we were just dumb kids (but that's another story for another time.)  I was in absolute shock to see him kneeling there, and he said "I'm not letting another year go by without asking you to be my wife.  Will you marry me?"  So of course I cried and said "YES," and it was a really wonderful moment.  It was all the more special because our friends (and our bulldog) were all there to share it with us.  A great memory!

  5. In desperate need of a vacation, I begged to go anywhere, I didn't really care where I was just going to go and he was welcomed to go with me.

    He planned a wonderful 4 night weekend in Naples Florida. A few people had hinted to me that this might be the day... I insisted that 'you can't plan these things yourself' and I had pretty much insisted on the trip.

    The second day in Naples we took a trip up to Sanibel Island. we would first stop at Captiva Beach on the north end then the nature preserve on the way back and then the lighthouse on the southern tip. We got up to Captiva and I start snapping pictures. He asked me about a shell he found. I said it was nice. He asked me again to look at it. I told him if he wanted it to throw it in the bag. He told me to hold it, so I reached out and underneath it was the biggest, most beautiful solitaire ever... and he went down on one knee.

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