
Best quote of all time?

by  |  earlier

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My favorite is

"The man who insist on seeking with perfect clearness before he decides never decides, accept life, and you must accept regret"




  1. (Said by a salt flats driver before he was killed going for a speed record)

    "Life should not be measured by the number of breathes you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away."

  2. "I came to kick *** and chew bubble gum, and I am all out of bubble gum".

  3. "a young lady is an accident, a old women is a work of art"

  4. "A wise man thinks he is a fool and a fool thinks he is wise."

  5. My favorite is from KUNG FU PANDA   ( ilove that movei)

    "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but to day is a gift.  That's why we call it preasent."  (except I spell somethings wrong XD)

  6. my fave is

    "life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of times it takes your breath away"

  7. I have no freakin idea what the freakin heck you freakin just freakin said.....FREAKIN!!

  8. "Just do it"

    "Para-pa-pa-pa I'm lovin it"

    "Live it, learn it, love it: music" (that's my own)

    "Get drunk on happiness, you don't get the cops on you for that!" (again my own, I know it's lame)

    "Life isn't like Burger King, you can't always have it your way"

  9. "before you point the finger, make sure your hands are clean" - bob marley :)

  10. "you know your in love when you can't fall asleep at night because reality is better than your dreams'

    ~dr. suess

  11. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  12. life is like a box of never know what your gonna get....forest gump lol its so tru

  13. we might die from medication, but we sure killed the pain.

  14. "If the earth should blow itself up, the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it can't be done."

    Peter Ustinov

  15. "LOST LOVE is the coin of broken hearts, one side were u wish to meet that person u love again and the other were u hate the day u both met ! "

    "LOVE is the coin of all hearts, one side shows temporary happiness and the other shows endless misery !" ..qoutes of my own.

  16. "Live like you're at the bottom even if you're at the top."

    - The Jonas's

  17. If so accept his quote with perfect clearness.

  18. "Once you go black you'll never go back"

    "A company making millions of dollar per year is nothing compared to a man who can make an international bank loose billions of dollar in one night."

    "Don't think that you're the prettiest one of all; do think how ugly things get when you always think you're the prettiest one."

  19. wow never ever heard that one sure hardly anyone has

    mine is

    "the grass is always green on the other side" cause its very true

  20. no the best quote of all time is "git 'r done" lary the cable guy

  21. "The things that come to those that way are things left by someone else" - Steven Tyler, Aerosmith


    "My beagle is smarter than your honor student" - Random bumper sticker

  22. "Know what you know, and know what you don't"

  23. "keep you friends close but your enemies closer"

    "no sacrafice no victory"

    "patience is the key to sucess"

    "attidude substitute leadership"

  24. whatever

  25. From the linkin park song 'hands held high' they say

    -"When the rich make war, it's the poor that die"

    and I even found the play which is The Devil & The Good Lord which was good read and ti does have the quote in it.

  26. When life brings you to your knees remember your in the perfect position to pray


    Life isnt measured by the breathes you take but by the moments that take your breathe away

  27. "the greatest comes not when things good for you, but when everything is going badly, for only he who has been in the deepest valley shall ever know the magnificence of the tallest mountain"

    Richard Nixon

  28. woah sum good ones in the replies...

    off the top of my head i cn rmba these ones...

    "Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something"

    “I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.”

    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it"

    "Yesterday Is History, Today Is A Gift, Tommorow Is A Mystery"

  29. "If you can't dance, you'll f*ck a lot of waitresses." --Voltaire

    "Only wet birds fly at night." --Unknown

    "Life is complicated, but it's the only place you can get a good steak (or a good eggplant, if you're a vegetarian)." --Dart Swinger

  30. I'm Fat Because I Eat, And I Eat Because I'm Fat.

  31. Your momma

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