
Best racing performance kit for max performance in all arers rs aprilia 125 rev go?

by  |  earlier

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HELP!!!!!!!!! anyone out there who can help me with this project, i need to know how to upgrade the performance of my aprilia 125, i dont know anything about it all so i am REALLY stuck, please help if ya can.




  1. if u want to upgrade it i sugjest get reeds, a new top end, maby a bore kit if u have the money, or and exaust system

  2. Indeed Mr Wiggysan.Well said.

  3. Brandon & Dog wee : Can you both learn to spell please?

    Dog PlSS, you are spelling 4 letter words wrong. The word you are looking for is AREA. As for that other dude, I'm not even going to start.

    As for you RS 125, it runs stock at 12bhp. Your main agent will cut the grean & yellow wire under the seat for free once you have a full UK license.

    However, if all you want is top speed [ which I know is all you want, as you will never beat that bike for going round corners ] then just drop a smaller sprocket on the rear.

    The bike is too good for 99% of riders out there. I know I have 2 off them. I sold an NC30 ( VFR400 ) to have my second RS. They are that much fun.

    If you are young [ which you are from your spelling ] then save up and get a CBR 250 Grey or an FZR 250 Grey Import. Same price to insure and much cheaper running costs.

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