
Best radio quiz?

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which quiz be it modern day or old times not on the radio any more would you say was is the best quiz




  1. The best radio quiz here in UK is the BBCs "Just a Minute", chaired by Nicholas Parsons.  Contenstants are challenged to talk for one minute without repetition, diviation or hesitation. Brilliant.

    My other fave radio quiz show is also on the BBC "Sorry, I Haven't a Clue" - chaired by Humphrey Lyttleton - jazz trumpeter and former Guards officer, etc.  You can tell by the long hair cut, apparently.

  2. 'Brain of Britain' on BBC Radio4 which used to be called 'What do you Know' and has been running for 60 years. Its sweet and old fashioned  (No monetary prizes) and for the first time in 2007 the questionmaster started calling the contestants by their Christian names rather than Mr......, Miss....etc

  3. Another vote for BBC's Just a Minute -just started it's 41st yr!

    Also BBC's I'm Sorry I haven't a Clue and The News Quiz

    for the usa- Says You and Wait Wait don't tell me on NPR

    BBC past- My Word and My Music and Radio Wise

  4. burger dash was on years ago

    regards x kitti x

  5. The darts one with DLT on radio 1 - forget what it was called now.

    Edit - Was it Double Top?

  6. spot the intro was one i used to like on radio 2(bbc uk)

  7. That is the best avatar I have EVER seen!

    Anyway, I like the pop music quiz that Ken Bruce does on his radio 2 show, it is great.

    Cheers, Steve.

    PS And again, thanks for the picture.

  8. JohnBoy Jeopardy!!

  9. You got me on that one as there would probably be too many out there I haven't even thought about, Like what Duh came back with.

    I know the one I currently like is on a regional rock station. The female morning DJ says three things in a sexual overtone but the item they are describing is very innocent.

    I would have given an example, but thinking about it, I would have been reported probably a few times on it:-)

  10. i like the one on radio 2 weekday mornings about 10-30am

  11. battle ships on sept but alas the station is now gone :(

  12. Well, I know you're talking about BBC and other UK stations. But I would be remiss if I didn't mention "The Last Contest," which was conceived and brilliantly executed by Jack McCoy during the 1970s in the US. It was conceived in Jacksonville, FL where Jack was PD (and I a lowly night time DJ). He then quit his job and showed up a week later in San Diego where he introduced the promotion. It then became so popular that it was syndicated into many other markets and had an amazing shelf life of several years - making Jack a rich boy.

    It was ingenious in that the station would promote dozens of amazing sounding prize packages worth much more money than had ever been offered in the past. The promotional announcements were the best ever produced and they captured Southern California like nothing before. What sailed right by most people was that the station only had to actually give away ONE of those packages. Talk about Bang for the Buck!

    - a guy named duh

  13. I love the Popmaster challenge on Radio 2 with Ken Bruce.  Because of that whole scandal involving phone in competitions it's been recently only played by famous people but coming back as a phone-in next week - yeah!

  14. The news quiz.  Fridays 6.30 - 7pm
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