
Best reason for Not watching Obama's acceptance speech?

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What is your reason for NOT watching Obama's acceptance speech?




  1. Just not bright enough to see the future?

  2. The best reason for NOT There is NO reason TO watch

  3. dont have tv

    but people like you wont watch it because you enjoy being ignorant to what's going on

  4. Not interested in what he has to say!!!

  5. lack of interest

  6. I had to work and was unable to get to a T.V. or Radio.  

  7. Last time I listened to Obama I left thinking "I am now dumber for having listened to this"...  

  8. playing with my kids in the real world, not listening to partisan make-believe in fantasy land.  it's a staged production, all about trying to convince people of something they will never know is true or not.  prefer not to waste my time on things like that.

  9. I went to a baseball game. If our home team hadn't had a game, I would have come up with another excuse - the media will highlight his every word over and over and over again, so there's really no need to get it as it happens.

  10. The original I had a dream speech was heroic..

    Obamas plagerization will be politics as usual.

  11. Well I watched and found he did very well. And who ever made the comment about being ignorant, I'm about to get my bachelors so I am nowhere near dumb. It just shows how ignorant people are when they actually do know who they will vote for because their not watching it. I am democrat all the way, and have always been for Obama. McCain gets on my ever lasting nerves and would not vote for him if he was the last man on earth. BUT..even though I wouldn't want to hear him speak, just like I tuned in for the Democratic Convention I'll still be having my butt glued to that couch watching the Republican convention. Ain't nothing ignorant when u want all the information from both sides

  12. I'm not a racist nor am I Republican-Neocon-Fascist and therefore, I have no reason whatsoever not to watch Obama's acceptance speech.

  13. I'm not expecting him to say anything new or enlightening.  I expect the same old Socialist rhetoric punctuated with cheap shots under the pretense of insight.  There's only so many ways to wrap up a t**d, and it always stinks.

    Actually, I'm watching it anyway because that's my job as a citizen.  But I won't be watching all that closely.

  14. I did not wish to vomit up the extremely good dinner I cooked.

  15. Well first of all, the Redskins game is on and thats MUCH more entertaining than mindless liberal propoganda

    and, I dont need to be spoon fed BS.. i'm not one of his sheep

  16. I have to wax my bowling ball tonight.

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