
Best restaurant in florence?

by Guest55744  |  earlier

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we're getting married there in September. where should we go afterwards (we're by oursleves)




  1. Quattro Lioni-in the piazza della passera-it's a fun place frequented by locals and foreigners alike, and features fresh, classic Florentine and Tuscan cooking and the waiters are wonderful.

  2. Ooh, go to Ristorante Paoli.  It's about a block from the Piazza Della Republica, near Il Duomo.  Address Via dei Tavolini 12R

    Tel. 055 216215.  It's VERY good.  I was in Florence for 5 days or so, and this was our "splurge" for dinner one night.

  3. Buca Lapi

    "Dinner was a much more favorable experience, to say the least, as we dined at the very special Ristorante Buca Lapi, Via del Trebbio 1 - Palazzo Antinori. Be sure to call 055-213768 for reservations. We always find our way down the long flight of steps to the cave below to enjoy hearty Tuscan delights.

    Buca Lapi is actually located in the ancient cellars of Palazzo Antinori and is the oldest restaurant in Firenze. To have survived after being the first means you have to be very, very good - consistently. Buca Lapi is just that.

    Fortunately we had our hotel make reservations because no sooner had we arrived, the place was filled to capacity. The sight of the open kitchen and happy cooking staff preparing the finest meats and produce of the region always delights us. The arched ceilings and walls are covered with posters from all around the world creating a colorful and interesting scene.

    Over the years we have been delighted with many of the menu choices - starters like misto di salumi or crostone con zucchini e accuighe, primi of minestrone di ceci e cavolo, ribollita or tortelli di ricotta e spinaci all'olio e salva, secondi of osso bucco di vitella, anatra nostrace in casseruola con cipolline or stufato di pollo alla cacciatora. And let's not forget some of the exquisite choices from the fritto menu such as coniglio fritto con carciofi and braciola con pomodoro basilico e capperi.

    We were looking forward to once again enjoying what we consider to be the finest bistecca we've had in Italy. First, a good wine selection. Our host, Lucchiano, has always chosen well for us and tonight was no exception. A Bocca di Lupo 2001, Tormaresca, from an Antinori farm in Apulo, was a superior rich full bodied red that had been aged in wood for one year. Next, a few starting delights before the big show.

    We munched on crispy carciofi fritti (fried artichoke) until our pasta course arrived. When the carciofi is this perfect, it is addictive. We fought off the urge for a re-order. The portions are very substantial here so we shared one order of pappardelle fresche al cinghiale. The fresh wide ribbon noodles are themselves a treat but combining them with rich wild boar sauce is sheer ecstasy.

    Every waiter here is an affable and cheerful artist. An artist with a sharp knife who can gracefully and gently remove the thick cut of bistecca from the bone, slice it into filets and arrange it gracefully on your plate before your ravenous eyes. Our waiter was quite skilled and performed the task with ease. Experience had taught us that the bistecca for one is easily shareable. It's one thing to have the best quality meat, another to serve it properly, but what happens in between is what separates the men from the boys. The grilling must result in a crisp exterior and a rare juicy interior without compromising the natural tenderness and flavor. Nobody does it better than Buca Lapi. A side of spinachi aglio e olio provided a healthy complement.

    It was Valentine’s Day so it was only appropriate to treat ourselves to the awesome chocolate fudge cake that is really the main reason we come here.

    It was a slow and easy meal with ample time between courses to sip our wine and enjoy a bit of conversation with our neighbors. The service is excellent and the prices quite reasonable for this quality of dining."

    We wish you much happiness!  September is a lucky month to marry.  We know!  :-)  All the best!

  4. Buca Mario

  5. if you are talking about kentucky then olive garden is nice! you dont have reservations though:(

    oops sorry i didn't know it was italy!

  6. if you are looking for a casual meal while you stay there, there is a great restaurant behind the duomo.  i believe it is called cafe duomo.  the prices are reasonable and the food is good.  it would make a good lunch or relaxed dinner spot.

  7. For a magic moment you need a magic place: Enoteca Pinchiorri (Via Ghibellina, 87, one of the best restaurant in Italy. The problem is that it's very expensive: some years ago I paid 250€ for two

  8. Enoteca Pinchiorri is highly recommended by La Guida Rossa...however it is expensive! But the food is excellent.

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