
Best route in Sacramento traffic & time-wise to get to an appt?

by  |  earlier

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I'll be going to an appt in the Sacramento area, on a weekday between 4-5pm. I'll enter Sacramento around 4pm, on I5, heading South. The appt is on Expo Boulevard, on the far west end near Hwy 160. Traffic congestion and time-wise, would it be better to get onto business 80 & get off on Expo Blvd then head west, or get off of I-5 on Richards Blvd, go 12th Street to 16th, then 16th becomes 160 to Expo? I already have the directions, etc. but not sure if might be better w/ traffic on 16th & 160 on a weekday btwn 4-5.




  1. You're lucky that you'll be traveling against the commute.  Your best route will be I-5 South > I-80 Eastt > Business 80 (Capitol City Freeway) West, then exit at Expo Blvd.

    You might have some traffic on I-80 East as you will be going with the commute for that stretch, but you'll be against the commute the rest of the way.

  2. cool

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