
Best selling agriculture magazine in USA?

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I want to post an advertisement on the best selling or most popular agriculture magazine in USA.

Can anyone give me some information?

Thank you.




  1. Mother Earth News and Hobby Farm are both some really good ones that reach a more select market, but a large one.  There are also several magazines specific to particular types of farming or ranching (dairy, wheat, etc).  Also, there's the state-specific magazines (I know Montana has The Prairie Star).

  2. There are so many now and each reader will give you a different answer. For longevity, "Organic Gardening" is "there". If you set your SEARCH for "Journal of......" and place any agricultural discipline there you will find respected research periodicals most of which are cutting edge university generated materials. You will get a lot of material searching for "Agricultural Abstracts". If you can post with, and have material pertaining to "Organic Gardening", then your in the top for access on a very respected publication. If you want to get into a highly specific field, then check as mentioned above.

  3. It is probably the Progressive Farmer. If it's not the best selling it is one of the most popular farming magazines in the US.


  5. Yahoo! lists Farm Journal, High Plains Journal, and Hoard's Dairyman as the 3 most popular websites.  I notice a dearth of information about university publications such as Nebraska Farmer.  Other agriculture states like California and Texas will have similar publications, which are usually the most popular in their region.

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