
Best semi automatic pistol 4 self defense??

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what semi automatic pistol is the best at stopping/killing (if you have 2) a intruder or attacker?? something that is strong enough 2 actually do some damage but that doesnt have 2 much kick? less kick so that you can accurately aim for a second shot faster if needed.

i live in california. i always hear people talking about desert eagles and magnums but im not trying 2 kill a bear or elephant.

something that is much stronger than a .22 but much weaker than a .45.




  1. go to your local gun store and pick up a .38 special. it has the knockdown power to take down even the biggest person with relatively low recoil. if i were you, i'd get the revolver instead of the semi-auto pistol for the simple reason that it is cheaper and is more reliable. Rossi, Ruger, and Taurus make great models in said caliber. if you want to truly stop someone in their tracks, i'd go with the Ruger or Taurus models that come in .45 long colt / .410 shotshells. since the barrel is rifled you have some accuracy with the standard .45 shell, but with the .410 shotshell you have a massive and quick spread. use the .410 for "to close for comfort" confrontations (i suggest using the birdshot or the slug for maximum damage) and the .45 for those slightly longer shots.

  2. Buy a Glock model 17.  It will hold seventeen rounds of 9mm ammo in the magazine, plus one in the chamber.  Use high-quality jacketed hollowpoint rounds such as Speer Golddot, Federal Hydra-Shock, or Remington GoldenSabre.

    A Glock is not the best gun on the market in terms of accuracy.  It is not the best when it comes to ergonomics.  It is not known for it's excellent trigger.

    But Glocks do many things well, and they are reliable to a fault.  There's a reason a significant percentage of police officers use them.

  3. Take a look at the Taurus Judge; a 5 shot revolver firing either 410 shotgun shells or a 45 Colt shell.  It does the job.

  4. The best choice is a Smith & Wesson 357 Magnum with 4 or 6 inch barreled revolver.* It has been tried, true, tested, and proven to be a no nonsense man stopper.* Use 125 grain jacketed hollow points for self-defense ammo.*

  5. Forget the Desert Eagle.  It has very few practical applications.  If you're sure you want a semi-auto consider the Glock Model 19.  It is:  User friendly; dependable; accurate; durable; high ammo capacity and chambered in a respectable caliber provided you use good quality defensive ammo (115 to 127 grain jacketed hollow point bullet).  I recommend the Federal Personal Defense 124 grain Hydra Shok™ which are not +P but really decent stoppers.  NOTE: Glocks are rated for +P and even +P+ ammo, but that'll increase snap, muzzle flash & blast which is not desirable in a night-time home defense scenario.  

    Common sense safety tip applicable to any firearm:  Keep your finger outta the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot.  Store unloaded or in a holster that covers the trigger.  Carry in a good quality holster that does cover the trigger.  Under no circumstance throw into a purse or desk drawer full of clutter unless it is unloaded or secured in a holster that covers the trigger.

    Take the gun safety course and if possible, get your CCW.

    Good luck.


    Addendum:  David M, the Glock G-20 is actually a 10mm, not a 9mm.  The 10mm is actually a super caliber (my personal favorite) but may be a bit much for a beginner.  I guess you really meant to type in G-19???


  6. What you need to get is a 9mm pistol from a company like:

    glock: like a G-20

    ruger: a model p94

    they barely have a kick and are farley powerful. I bought a Ruger just because of the different types of calibers a could use.

  7. If you really havent shot a gun before you need to go to a range with a friend who owns a 9, .40, and, .45 and shoot and see what your comfortable with. My aunt was looking for home defense and we took her out shooting. She ended up using a 9mm because thats all she could handle. Her fiance on the other hand ended up deciding a .45 made him a little bit more comfortable. I wouldnt recommend a 9mm if you can handle more. And as far as shooting a .45 and then shooting a second shot goes its really not that bad. Im small and have no problem emptying a clip in a target at household ranges.

  8. you're gonna get lots of answers to this.

    The FBI has decided after years of testing that the .40 caliber provides the best combination of stopping power and controlability.

    I have to agree with them.

    9mm is great but considered a little on the weak end by some people (Especially in winter when bad guys are wearing heavy coats, etc)

    .45 is great but considered a little hard to control (too much recoil) by some

    .380 = too weak

    10mm too much recoil

    It still really boils down to personal preference when choosing between all these rounds. I mean honestly, you put any one of these rounds in center of mass on an intruder and they're really gonna need an aspirin.

    Pick the gun youre most comfortable with and that you'll shoot often enough to be handy with it.

    I have a 9mm, a .40 caliber and a .45. I fell comfortable with all 3 of them.


    Greg Jackson

    Tigard, OR

  9. I would go with a .41 magnum,or a .44 magnum.

  10. I would recommend a Smith & Wesson .40 caliber handgun, it has a lot of stopping power and will take care of the criminal intruder for you.

    I would also like to suggest a Glock in .357 SIG, the bullet has very fast muzzle velocity and it hits like lightning, it will also take care of the unfortunate attacker who tries to harm you and your family.

  11. I would actually reccomend a revolver over a auto, when an auto firearm is stored for extended periods of time the spring in the magazine can become compressed and deformed, when this happens the last few rounds may not feed in a time of need.  There are actually a couple of models on the market that load a .410 cal shot shell, one is called the "Judge" believe it is manufactured by Tarus (sp).  The Judge can also be loaded with .45 long colt ammo making it very effective but the reviews I have read tell me it is not very accurate at longer ranges.  But keeping in mind that in a combat situation you are asking about the .410 rounds with a heavy shot/ buck shot/ or slugs would be exceptional.  Close in coverage, without the need to actually aim, just keep pulling the trigger untill the threat is eliminated.  Must practice regularly so you are comfortable with using it.  Check with local regualtions for specific requirements

  12. Beretta 90-two in 40S.W.

  13. With good frangible ammunition, a 9MM pistol will do the job for you, if you do your part.

  14. 40 caliber or 9mm best for home defense.  potent enough to severely injure or kill your target, but not too much kick for your second shot.

    no 22's as it will take too many shots to stop a motivated attacker.

    no desert eagle as way too much kick and you wont get your second shot.  also crazy expensive.

  15. If you want smaller than a 45 go for the 40 S&W. Handgun: 1911 clone in 40 S&W.

    Too bad you live in CA, the Para-Ordnance P-16 is awesome.

  16. well if your intruder is on drugs, then you are trying to kill a bear or elephant. you can hit him with 22's ,  380s, 38s, and he just might keep on coming. but, if you tickle him with a 357 or a 45 it'll clear his foggy head enough to realize he's hurt. i prefer somthing big enough to only need one hit to put him out of the game.

  17. Glock 17 may have the right balance of power for that type of scenario. I also recommend a .38 or a .45

  18. 38 special

  19. Much weaker than a 45? I'm not sure I understand that 1.

    You're going to get a lot of ppl saying the 45ACP or the 357Mag. are the only ones to consider. I've owned several 45s, several 9mms and 2 357s.

       While I enjoy the 45 as much as anyone, I find it just a bit uncontrollable for quick follow up shots. For me, the 9mm is under-powered & many of our troops in Iraq & Afghanistan would agree w/ me. That pretty much leaves the 38 Super, under-rated IMO, & the 40 S&W. The advantage to the 40 is lots of Police Dept.s have adopted it, so there are a wide range of bullets available. I think the 38 Super has 1 hardball and 1 JHP offering - at least in factory loadings.

       Just remember that any pistol cartridge will kill, given enough time w/o medical attention. The main thing you want is to neutralize the threat and the 40 S&W is probably the winner for that.

  20. a 9mm or .40 sounds perfect for you. if you dont have any experience with guns i suggest you try going to a gun range or taking classes. look into glocks, theyre reliable and accurate compared to many other manufacturers.

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