
Best seven game series ever?

by  |  earlier

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First question i've asked here.

Obviously this is a matter of opinion. However i have one answer in mind. (my own lol)

Only name one series, and if you can give any details about it (proving you actually saw it all the better)

First "correct" answer gets the prize.

First clue is in the question itself. Second one is that at least one of the teams was/is Canadian.




  1. devils vs av's in 2001

  2. Flyers vs Oilers 87

    saw it...yes my eyes were red for a few days after that one

  3. Rangers/Canucks '94

    EDIT - OH, I know!

    Flames/Oilers '86

    in what became the battle of Alberta

  4. Flyers vs. Capitals 2008

    Game 7 OT, what's not to love?

    (I haven't been around long enough to see a lot of 7 gamers)

  5. They all have been amazing.

    But i must go with

    TB vs Calgary

    That game 6 goal still hurts ( I hate sounding like a whiny brat..sorry).

  6. Calgary/Montreal 1988/89 season. Calgary won it in six.  It was the only time in the history of the Montreal Canadians that they had lost the last game of the finals on home ice.

  7. Of  course it is The NYR VS. Cancouks in 1994 when the rangers won the cup for the first time in 54 years. The best play was when ricther stoped bure on the pentaly shot. i was at that game..

  8. Tampa Bay vs The Calgary Flames

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