
Best shoe for vball and track training.?

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Im currently a sophomore in highschool and play plenty of sports. Currently im looking for some running/ vball shoes. (Track training, my school provides the splikes for competition use) I understand asics are really good at this. But i really dont like their design. they look so I was wondering, if i should go for the Nike Air Max 360, I heard they are very light. But I just want to get a good opinion




  1. flat sole should be there,because u do lot of jumping work,try with any brand ,get the shoes which you are more comfortsble

  2. nikes

  3. i know i dont lose it i was just playin aroun d**k wat ha

  4. i would go with the nike

  5. If you can, you should get two different shoes.  I suggest Mizuno if you do not like Asics.  Mizuno with a rubber yellow gummy sole will be good for volleyball.  I just got Mizuno running sneaks for $30 at Bob's.  I'm sure if you shop around you can get some good running sneaks too.  Find a running website will see the best shoes there.

  6. I am in both sports, volleyball-any track-nike spikes

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