
Best short ram intake to buy for my 99 Civic EX? and would cheap ebay knock-off intakes be just as effective?

by  |  earlier

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i see so many different brands luike injen and aem and weapon r, but will they all essentailly offer the same performance increase in the end?

or could i even buy one of the 35 dolllar no name brands off ebay and get the same results? I mean im willing to pay more for the big brand names if they actually are better, but if they are going to do the same thing as a cheap knock off brand ill just save my moeny and get the cheap one.

What should i get? Please only respond if you have experience with these different intakes




  1. Ebay intakes are a pipe (or a few pipes), a filter and some hoses.

    Brand name intakes are a pipe (or a few pipes), a filter and some hoses.

    Brand name ones are engineered better or so they say but most people would agree with me in saying a pipe is a pipe. I could see a crush bent pipe or something impeding air flow but my intake is from ebay and it is pretty smooth on the bends.

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