
Best site for vacation deals.?

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Which site, from personal experience has given you the best deal. I'm very interested in travel overseas and am finding the trips from 2500-3000. Anything cheaper out there?




  1. Travelocity.  I called for a vacation in December on one of the well known cruise lines and my cost for 2 to fly to LAX which would have included a stop over in Arizona would have cost $1154.00

    After speaking to travelocity, I got the straight flight for 2 persons went down to $734.00 plus the cost of the cruise was less to.  I am going to the Mexican Riviera in December and looking forward to it!  The whole package for two, from Michigan came to $3200.00 Which is 7 days.

    I thought it was good.  A trip to the Southern Carribean in Feb. cost about $2200 including airfare, but I am also talking about a stateroom with balcony on the ship.

    Depends on your room preference too.

    Good Luck!


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