
Best spelling for my baby girls name please..?

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Hello, I am going to call my little girl Elise or Elyse...which do you think is the best spelling? I really like how Elyse looks, but am concerned that people will struggle with how to pronounce it spelt like that...its definitely going to be one of the above two spellings so please let me know which one you think is best. baby is due tomorrow so please hurry!!!!! (middle name will be Tricia or Patricia after my partners Mum). Many thanks x




  1. I definitely prefer Alyce.

  2. Elise would probably be easier for people to read.

    Elyse looks like it's pronounced "Eliss".

    It's "Elees", isn't it?


  3. The way you put is best! People I know have really weird names and people learn it after time! Nice middle name too! Don't worry, the name will be beautiful!Elyse Tricia Something, I will look forward to seeing it in lights!

  4. Either spelling is fine I don't think you'll have any problems. My vote goes to Elyse tho. Congratulations and Good Luck x

  5. Elyse - Its spell't way cooler

  6. Elise is the best spelling I think..I know a lady called Elyse and someone once pronounced it El-lice like Lice(ew, I know) but I think Elise is much prettier and will avoid confusion.

    Congrats and hope I helped =) x

  7. Elise...definately.  What a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl :)

  8. Elyse i think. because if the middle name is Tricia and Patricia, then it would be Elyse Patricia/Tricia which looks better than Elise Patricia/Tricia...the latter has too many i's. I'm 17 and from my young eyes ( :)  ) Elyse just suits much better. hope this helps.

  9. Elise looks prettier. And of course is easier to spell.

    Wait... how is it pronounced?

  10. Elise is way better.

  11. I think Elyse looks better and its the one I have seen, if anything I would think that Elise woulld give people more difficulty in pronouncing it than Elyse.

    Sorry if I was no help but I think the most common spelling is Elyse.

  12. According to me Elise is better,  

  13. Elise

    deffinately, very pretty :]

  14. Elise. Elyse looks horrid and illiterate.

  15. i like Elyse...i would actually think peope would think elise would be more difficult to pronouce just when looking at it considering it could sound elice..which to me would be embarrassing

    go with the Y

  16. I think Elyse is a prettier spelling. Elyse will look very good when in looped writing.  

  17. elyse

  18. I prefer Elise to Elyse.  I don't think people would have trouble pronouncing either one, but I think Elise looks prettier.  But if you like it with a y more, then go for it!

  19. elyse looks more ellogent then plain looking elise

  20. Elise.

  21. i've seen it spelled both ways and i really don't think people with have a problem trying to pronounce either because they're pretty straight forward

    i think that Elise looks pretty and classic (classy even) and traditional

    Elyse looks more this girl would be a little more alternative rockerish...

    :) hope that helped!

  22. i really like Elyse...i think that it looks really nice...and to tell you, my name is Jocelyn and people mistakenly prononce it as Jacklyn, so your always going to get people who prononce it wrong...but go with what you like best!!!

  23. Elise Patricia

  24. Elise.

    Thats actually proper.

    Elyse would be like how kids and/or teenagers would wanna spell their names cause they dont like that they have and "i" in their name.

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