
Best starter electric guitar?

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im having trouble deciding which guitar/starter kit to get. please read the descriptions and tell me which is the overall best. i am a beginner in guitar.

Epiphone Sg:

Epiphone Les Paul Special:

other Epiphone Les Paul Special:

OR buy an Epiphone Les Paul Special guitar ONLY and buy a separate amp:

Please help me decide which is the overall best guitar. Price doesnt matter since they are all in the same range




  1. Either get the first one or the second one. They are the exact same guitar just a different shape. Just buy which ever one you like better. Those come with more than the others. That amp is a pretty good amp for a beginner. You may want to upgrade when you get better but its a great starting amp.

  2. I'd just buy the Guitar itself first, and then buy an amp. Most guitars that come in those player packs are low quality, and the amps aren't worth while. But if you buy a guitar, and an amp separate you'd most likely be getting better quality gear. Depending on what you buy, that is.

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