
Best strategy board games?

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Forget Life or monopoly, Im talking big complicated games!




  1. Stay with something that has been around for a long time

    RISK!  the ultimate strategy game!

    There are several versions of the game - see below

  2. warhammer 40k

    go to Games Workshop at the mall

  3. For pure, abstract strategic thinking, I like:

    Zertz -

    Ingenious -

    Blokus -

    Happy gaming!

  4. Stratego

  5. Chess, by a mile ( or two ).

    far far far away in 2nd place, Risk. But the latter has a huge luck factor... It's "fun" but way less strategic than chess.

  6. Race for the Galaxy is a new card based strategy game that is similar to Puerto Rico.  Both are highly regarded as good strategy games on boardgamegeek.

  7. Oooh, that's a tough one. Depends on what kind of level you like but there's

    Louis XIV - it's a game of intrigue and influence where each move you make is then affected by the moves by the next player. Very little luck, a lot of strategy.

    Puerto Rico - not as complicated as Louis XIV but very strategy intensive.  You're a plantation owner in Puerto Rico and you have to balance what you product, what you build and what you do each turn (since what you do can benefit other players too).

    Twilight Imperium - HUGE sci-fi game.  Tons of pieces, lots of words to build on and conquer.  It takes hours to play but a ton of fun. Definitely complicated and strategy oriented.

  8. chess of course and it has so many variations and strategy's in it.

  9. I'd recommend chess or Chinese chess.  They're pretty complicated.

  10. Chess is awesome, but it can be a little repetitive and boring depending on your taste.

    Risk is great, there are tons of possibilities and strategy involved. If you want a more complicated and more strategic version of Risk, get Axis & Allies. It's like Risk but you represent a specific country and instead of buying only one troop type, you can buy planes, battleships, tanks, submarines, etc.

    Also you might want to try Carcassonne or The Settlers of Catan. They're strategic tile games that have a different feel than 'war' games, they are often times focused on cooperation instead.

  11. Risk is a great strategy game, but relying on dice takes a little out of it.   Most people don't know how to strategize playing Monopoly, you can really clean up if you understand the rules regarding building property.

    I was told that Axis and Allies is similar to Risk, no dice, more strategy.  I have not played it though.

  12. if you want games that make you think, some good ones are Go, Chess, risk, etc.  if you're looking for role playing games i wouldnt suggest Dungeons and Dragons but there are others out there

  13. Settlers of Catan

  14. Advanced Civilization, by Avalon Hill

    (It's out of print, and you need the basic game called Civilization.  You could probably pick them up on eBay for $150-200.)

    Among newer games:

    Struggle of Empires.

    Check out (you'll find info on every strategy game made, and how to get it):

  15. Chess is the oldest, best strategy game in existence.

    That is not an opinion.

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