
Best style of tai chi for young woman?

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I'm looking for a style of tai chi to study and practice. I have stress problems and anger problems( i have had counseling and they told me tai chi would be good for me). I'm terribly clumsy but i have lots of patience. I dont want to do anything involving weapons, i dont trust my self(again im clumsy). My balance is the worst, i cant even wear heels. I'm starting a magazine and I have lots of stressful things going on now(setting up my future) and i need a way to relax and calm myself, not to mention my anger. And I would like to be able to protect myself. I have heard the 5 major styles are Chen, Yang, Wu, Wu(Hao), and Sun.

Please help me, sorry for the long explination XD

I would greatly appreciate any help

p.s- i dont want to go aroung kicking "butt", actually i would like to be a bit more calm and not let my anger take control




  1. Do taekwondo its better

  2. I'd say any is good for what you're wanting to accomplish. Though if you want to learn it as a martial art as well, then I would go with Chen or Wu.

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