
Best text message joke????

by  |  earlier

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this one had me falling off my seat,

Zebo, a half blind 5 year old african

orphan has to ride 7 miles a day to

school with only one leg on a bicycle

with buckled wheels and no brakes.

Give just a small donation of two

pounds and we'll send you the video,

its f**king hilarious

what you think and any otha good ones out there




  1. thats sick this is sicker.

    did you know that bird flu has been going around all the sick old duffed up birds are dying.  just texted to see if your alright

  2. And if you don't send this to at least 150 people in the next 60 minutes,a large dove with diarrhea will land on your head at 5pm this afternoon,and fleas from 15 camels will infest your back,causing you to grow a hairy hump. I know this will occur,because it actually happened to a close friend of my next door neighbors ex-mother-in-law's second husbands first cousin once removed wife's beautician.

  3. i'd happily give a tenner for that video

  4. lol i got 1 jus like it

    this is hasnain he is a 3 yr old child hu has to walk 5 miles a day just to get water with ur help of 2 pound a month we can buy him a whip and make the lasy b*****d  run

  5. that is a beauty. Ive just sent it to loadsa mates. Hope its not taken off, be petty if it was, cus the next they will take off Irish, English, Scottish man jokes.

  6. Got this one and thought it was hilarious, hope you like 2 xx

    Are you  male or Female? To find out please look down...
















    Look down, not scrawl down u thick idiot


  7. lol that was funnii!!! x

    but uhmm lemmie check my fone  >

    no i havnt got any..

    but i heard this girl i hate tripped down the stairs infront for everyone in a shopping center and like got really embarrased!!

    and now its around the world!!




  8. lol : )

    Jack and Jill

    Went up the hill

    To fetch some marajuana

    Jack got high

    Unzipped his fly

    And asked Jill is she wanna

    Jill said yes

    Unzipped her dress

    And then they had some fun

    Stupid Jill forgot her pill

    And now they have a son

  9. Can you say ''whale oil beef hooked'' without sounding like an irishman swearing?

  10. lol...."In 2009 the US Government will start killing all the retarded people. I got worried when I thought of you. RUN MY LITTLE r****d RUN!!!

  11. Yeah someone sent that to me before, i thought it was quite funny. np doubt someone on here wil report it :(

  12. Bit sick

    Best one I had was

    " Police have found a headless body with saggy b*****s and a mouth where its bum should be. Please text me back so I know you are ok"


    "Congratulations you have won the weight of your p***s in sweets to claim your free tic tac go to www bla bla

  13. That is so wrong, but I,m still bl***y laughing!

  14. bit sick.........but love mister C's answer :P

  15. £2!u avin a laugh! u shud of sed £100 that would ov bin more suitable!

  16. Theres various versions of that joke. Ive recieved a couple of them.

    I lost my virginity to a r****d lastnight,

    I wanted my first time to be special.


    The viking god Thor comes 2 earth + spends all weekend

    shagging a woman with a hairlip.

    Monday morning he says 2 her 'I am Thor'

    She replies 'You're Thor, I can't even pith'!



    Prince Charles takes up jogging,

    each day he jogs past a hooker who calls out to him '£150'

    he would call back '£5'

    This went on for quite some time.

    One day Camilla decided to jog with him,

    he was very apprehensive as he knew what the hooker

    would say. As they jogged past the hooker shouted

    'See what you get for £5 you tight b*****d!!'


    A man sunbathes in the nude and ends up burning his p***s.

    His doctor tells him 2 ease the pain by dippin it in a saucer of cold milk.

    Later, his blonde wife comes home n finds him with his di** in the saucer of cold milk. Good heavens, she remarks. I always wondered how you reloaded those things!!


    Police have found a dead man in pizza hut., he had mushroom, onions & ham on his face.. they believe he might have topped himself!!!



    Boy asked his mum 'is it wrong to have a willy'?

    'no why?' she asks.

    'Well dads sweating like **** in the bathroom trying to pull his off!'

  17. Nursery Rhymes:

    There was a young man from china

    who wasnt a very good climber

    he slipped on a rock and cut off his c*ck

    and how hes got a v****a

    little miss muffet

    sat on a tuffet

    eating curds and whey

    along came a spider

    who sat down aside her

    and said,hey bitc*h whats in the bowl!

    Jack and Jill

    Went up the Hill

    To do the Hankey Pankey

    Jack was shocked

    with a mouth full of c**k

    cuz Jills real name

    was Frankie

  18. ha ha no way its sad but funny  

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