
Best thing for his cough?

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what would be the best medicine for his cough he recently had a cold n how has the cough it doesn't completely affect him during night sometimes he will wake because of it but not alot




  1. use some vicks vapor rub not medicine...

  2. Since he is at least one year old, try giving him a teaspoon of honey before he goes to bed. It worked good for my son.

  3. Hi there,

    Sorry to hear your little one is sick.  There are not any cold medications for children anymore because of the alcohol content in them to "dry out" the kids.  The cough is from a post-nasal drip (we cough to expel anything that tries to enter or drip into the airway).  If it is really bad, you can see your pediatrician.  The only thing that you can buy over the counter now to resolve post-nasal drip, and therefore the coughing, is Children's Benedryl.  It can make your child sleepy or hyper (different effect on each child).  You have to ask your pediatrician about the dosage because it is based on weight.  Otherwise it is completely benign and won't hurt him-it is a simple antihistamine (nasal symptoms secondary to allergies).

    As far as the other recommendations, please, NEVER give honey to a child one year or younger.  It is widely known that it can give a baby botulism poisoning and is in all the baby books as a BIG NO-NO!  Sorry to be rude to the other lady that recommended it.  It simply doesn't work, anyway, because you swallow the honey down the esophogus and the cough is from a drip in the airway (larynx).  The best mommies weigh family remedies with modern science.  As far as Vick's Vapor Rub...only use the baby preparation (it is a pink label and says Baby Vicks) and only rub it on their clothing.  It totally washes out of clothing-no staining.

    Take care of that little one and give them lots of fluids (watered down juice if necessary or soup!)

    Good luck to you

  4. rub some Vick's on his chest and keep him warm and if he feels not very  hungry  make  sure  he drinks  a lot.  have a word with your local  nurses in your doctors surgery

  5. I have heard Vick's vapor rub on the soles of the feet, and then put socks over top of that. Most of my friends swear by this.

  6. vicks works well, especially if you have a humidifier, just pop some in the water.  if the cough persists or gets worse ask your ped. dosage for some tussin, that knocks out my daughters cough everytime, but only as a last resort

  7. Hi there,

    My son used to get a cough quiet alot. I suggest you should use baby buttercup and also prop his mattress up slightly with a thin pillow as this will take him off lying flat on his back.

    The reason it seems to bother him at night is because he is lying flat on his back and the mukes builds up.

    Good luck

    P.S its probs nothing to worry about but listen to him when he breaths at night when he has a cold if you notice a slight wease in his chest he may have a slight touch of asthma. So take him to the doctors to be on the safe side.

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