
Best thing to beat this oil hike is...?

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for the motor manufacturers making affordable hybrid cars and hydrogen run cars.. oil will not be wanted as much as it is now... kill the price war.. its the only way




  1. The most wasteful thing, is to bring a ton or two of metal everywhere we go, at high speeds, for long distances, and waste momentum at each stop sign. Driving less is the way to save money on fuel

  2. Hybrid cars are more expensive to own over their life than cars that just have one engine and that is probably due to the cost of the extra equipment they have.  That cost will eventually come down but right now hybrids don't make economic sense.

    Hydrogen also requires more expensive cars and lacks the refuelling infrastructure needed.  We might be able to make it but it'll take a while.

    When it comes down to it though the cheapest 'solution' is probably going to turn out to be different oil (in fact part of the problem is that we're not running out of fossil fuels).

  3. move closer to work get rid of your car i did

  4. Problem; How do you actually produce electricity or hydrogen? They are not 'free' or even 'cheap', and not necessarily green! This is just replacing one problem with another.

  5. Yes!!!  We must learn to stop guzzlin' and start sippin' our enemy's fossil fuel.  Think about what the word fossil means...  From where does this power come?  Dead stuff, AND IT'S KILLIN' US!! Ha.

  6. Get an LPG car.

    Buy a motorbike.

    Car share to work.

    Veggie car (merc w124 engines only)

    Get a bike

    Quit job stay at home and s***w the system.

  7. How about people being able to heat their homes, not everyone lives in a eco house. Or travel by public transport, perhaps as some nit wit suggested we go back to horse and cart....

  8. Buy a car that runs on natural gas (methane). I have 2 of them, and they're great! Very cheap to fill up and much better for the environment than regular gasoline cars. I haven't bought gasoline in months. See if there's a place to fill up around you because there aren't pumps everywhere yet. I'll put in my sources below so you can check it out for yourself and hopefully do an end run around the entire oil issue. Wish everyone would...

  9. i saw a programme on the electric cars last night,  0-60 mph in about 1 hr -  sod that.

  10. A diesel burning veggie,or lube oils.

  11. We need to look at just one co. station, and let them know that we do not need to do business with them. If we all stopped using gasoline from Exxon ,things would change and generate some competion..Then the next week change to another.

  12. Face the facts. You will never kill the oil mongers. Vehicles are produced to be 40% eefficient. Better then the early days at 25%. However the tree huggers put so much pressure on the oil mongers they had to produce fuel efficient vehicles to the present 40% effiecency and add cat. converters to your vehicle. Cat. converters reach high temp. degrees to burn the excess fuel 60% blown out your tailpipe before it reaches the atmosphere. Thus making the tree huggers happy. You could have 90% effiency vehicles, but then oil mongers profits would decrease. Less fuel purchases. Less sales and government taxes. If that were to happen then the oil mongers would have to decrease there production, creating a fuel shortage so they can increase the fuel cost to reap their continued and projected standard profits. Which only means you would wait in long lines with your 20 gal. limited coupon, less fuel for more money and increased inconvience to you and me. The only way we will ever see alternative fuel sources is if in fact there is a big buck to be made by another energy monger. Lets produce our own oil. At the very least as long as I am paying $4.00 a gal. I would much rather give the big bucks to america then to support terrorist country's, buying their fuel so they can supply terrorist with weapons to kill our troops. Even if it is only 15% of our use. I don't want to give them one cent. DO YOU ? MONEY IS POWER, POWER IS CONTROL, CONTROL OWNING YOU, OWNING YOU IS MONEY AND MONEY IS AGAIN POWER

  13. hydrogen is not a fuel. electric cars burn coal.

  14. you can find many profitable ideas to do so here:

  15. Matter = Energy

    You cannot just create energy from nothing, you must convert something else, so that is the problem.

    Burn Coal, Gas & Oil to create steam to make generator turn to provide electricity. Problems - running low on these fossil fuels, location of fuel not always in (politically) freindly country, produces greenhouse gases

    Nuclear Energy uses radioactive material to heat water, make steam, drive turbine - no greenhouse gases but problems in de-commissioning and radioactive waste, terrorist target, socially unacceptable

    Solar Panels, convert light into electricity. Poor performance (15%), location and sun position dependant, not consistant output. Semiconductor wafers require large amount of power and specialist materials to manufacture. Currently quite expensive ($4-5 per Watt)

    Wind Turbine, wind makes turbine move to produce electricity. Site dependant, Inconsistant power source, wind farms required to produce sufficient power (500KW per turbine). Socially unacceptable (by some)

    Wave Power, location dependant, large environmental impact to acheive required output.

    Hydroelectric, uses gravity allows water to turn turbine, produce electricity. Good power output, location dependant, large environmental impact. Can cause political probelms, ie slowing river that flows into neighbouring country.

    There is no perfect solution, the best way is to A) reduce the amount of energy we use B) make existing methods more efficient, safer and more socially acceptable

  16. Use someone else's car

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