
Best time of year to convert British Pounds into Japanese Yen?

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Im planning a trip to japan in december of this year and wondered whens the best time of year to convert the currency as in the past Ive realised theres better times of year to convert currency.

Currently I get it at 1.00 GBP = 204.33 JPY




  1. Currency exchange rates are not seasonal. They're based on relative economic data (basically, which country's economy is doing better), relative interest rates, and supply and demand.

    Prices for various goods and services, on the other hand, can be seasonal, due (for example) to people wanting to get rid of inventory towards the end of the year. But since there's no "inventory" for currency (it doesn't hurt to have too much money, but it does hurt to have too many sweaters), this seasonality does not affect currency exchange rates.

  2. It's not a question of time of year. It's the economy, stupid. (Sorry-Just a quote)

  3. As other posters have said it's got NOTHING to do with the time of year. It's basic economics.

    The reason the exchange rate was more favourable last year, and for a long time before was that, was that  the Japanese government deliberately kept the yen low to improve exports. The J economy has only recently come out of a 15 year recession, so the government was doing what it could to help things along. Around 200 yen to the pound is fine, I'd be surprised if you get a better rate, especially with the oil crisis.

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