
Best time to have s*x in terms of TTC?

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Period started on Aug 4th. When is the exact date I should try having s*x? Don't say two weeks or so, just tell me the date I should do it lol.

been trying and hope so...




  1. Hi, I am also trying to conceive! In March I conceived with the help of (free website) had a miscarriage in April. We started ttc right after and we haven't had any luck. My last period was July 18th and I had s*x Aug. 1st, 3rd, 5th, and every day after that, lol. You should really try that website.

    Now to you question I would have s*x 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, and 27. Sperm live in you up to 5 days and your egg 24 hours, that way you wont miss a chance but by having it everyother day your hubby's sperm will build up. Baby dust to both of us! Hopefully this is your lucky month and mine too, lol!

  2. i wish i could give you a date, but without knowing the length of your cycles (or if they are regular or not) I can't do that. Your best bet is to start temping your BBT or use OPKs...when you get a positive one, find your honey and get it on! lol

  3. now .... just wash it off  

  4. any time, the 4th will work,kiss kiss!hahahaha! im kidding of course

  5. What's your cycle like?   For me, I ovulate some between days 15  and 17, most of the time.  It's a little off from that sometimes.   So your question isn't quite fair in terms of just asking for a date!   It can vary from person to person.  

  6. every other day after ur period,take folic acid too, i pray 4 u dea

  7. it depends on the length of your cycle. Does you period start every 28 days or is it less or more or irregualer. I cannot tell you when you ovulate but if you start having s*x around the 15 and have s*x everyday for the next five days then you have a good chance of falling pregnant if you have a reg 28 day cycle becasue you should ovulate around the 18th.

  8. start the 15th & every other day (lets sperm refuel) until the 20th....Your estimated ovulation will occur the 18th.. Good luck, go to

    && use the ovulation calculator its free && Extremely helpful trust me...I use it all the time...start keeping track of ur cycle & ovulation && it'll make TTC much easier for you && more likely.  BABY DUST && good luck!

  9. buy ovulation tests, thatll save the guess work

  10. my husband and i were wanting to concieve and we tried for ever my mom gave me the advise to stay away from him when i was in the mood to avoid getting pregnant and one night i wanted it so bad and i said if you want to have a baby we need to do it right now part of it was just me wanting to get my way well we forgot all about that night until about six weeks later when i woke up puking  but i would say about the 18 cause your cycle is suppose to be 28 days half of that is 14 plus the 4 equals 18 but  other advice i got was just do it once a day more than that can lower the sperm count

  11. Start sexual intimacy during your period or directly after. Continue every three or four days throughout the month. Best wishes, G

  12. ok ur period should have finished august 9 .. aug 13-19 u are fertile but the 18th is ur fertile day !!

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