
Best time to test your BG?

by Guest60817  |  earlier

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Say you could only test your BG once a day to see how well you were controling your type2 and you didn't want anything you ate. or stress, or exercise to skew the results...would you say testing first thing in the AM after a decent 7 hour sleep would be the best?





  2. yes, it would be good to take it in the morning, as long as you have a regular meal schedule everyday, regular intake of food everyday and regular exercise. With all these factors constant you should pretty much be able to get your average glucose level. Of course in some instances like fever, sickness or infection or when taking other medications, you may have a high glucose level reading.

  3. in the morning after 12 hours without food.  :)

  4. BG usually, though not always, reads higher in the AM after you wake up, so I wouldn't test then because it's a known. From experience I test mine when I'm feeling really good i.e. no hunger pangs, thirst, or need to urinate and usually find the BG reading is higher than it should be.  Just before responding to your question I had finished 30 minutes of exercise and my BG was higher than it should be when it should have been lower than normal, so it's not always clear exactly when to test.

  5. If you really only want to test once a day then you are going to need to test aggressively (up to 8 times a day for a little while).  You should test upon waking up before you eat breakfast.  Test 1 hour and 2 hours after each meal keeping a detailed log of everything that enters your mouth.  From these two data points you are going to know what foods cause you to spike, etc.  As you get to know this and how you feel you can then back off of the BG testing when you are comfortable.

    Good luck!

  6. the morning, before and or after eat some foods

  7. Your doctor should have given you some guidance on what he/she wants to see. My doctor wants me to mix it up and test at different times but just once a day. Over time, this give you and your doctor a picture of how your glucose level changes throughout the day. Also it will give you a better idea how some food affect your glucose more than others. I purchased the software that works with my monitor so I could compile the results and see where I'm at over the course of the day. THis has been really helpful in adjusting my diet to level out any spikes in my glucose.

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