
Best time to water the lawn?

by Guest67082  |  earlier

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Our lawn gets fried during the day, because the sun directly hits it. Is it better to water it really good early in the morning or later in the evening?




  1. Since you live in an arid region, I wouldn't think you would have to worry about mold or fungus growing on your grass, so

    I suggest watering it good in the evening.  That gives the water time to really soak in good.  If you water it in the morning, the hot desert sun will suck all the moisture back

    out of your lawn and you're back to square one.  Also, have

    you considered actually not having a lawn and do xeriscaping.

    This is where you plant, flowers and plants and trees, native

    to your arid region in your yard.  Either dig up the whole lawn

    or parts of it and turn it into native gardens.  You will

    actually have to water less, thus saving precious water and

    it's better for the environment.

  2. Both early morning and evening is the best for watering lawns

  3. Looks like everyone has a different answer.  I think you should water when it's dark and more than once.  Water long enough to give it a good soak but short of having run-off.  give it a couple hours to soak in then do it again.  And then again if you have to.  I prefer to water less than daily.  Ideally, every three days but here (Vegas) sometimes you have to water more due to the heat.  Keep the lawn long (two and a half to three inches) so that the grass shades the soil and prevents it drying out.  That will also prevent a good portion of weeds from sprouting due to a lack of light at soil level.  I believe watering deeply and infrequently is the best option and it seems to work at all the properties I maintain.

  4. The best time to water your lawn is at night when the sun has gone down.  This give the water time soak in real good.  In the morning, your lawn is ready for the sun.

  5. The correct time to water is in the morning hours.

    Watering in the evening leaves the soil moist at night and creates an environment for fungus.

    So, set your irrigation for around 5 am to get the best results and least problems.

  6. Morning is best.

    Evening watering should be avoided because warm soil temperature + cooler nighttime air temperatures + moisture from watering = an environment suitable for the growth of mildew / mold / fungus / disease...

  7. I would water both morning and night until the lawn turns green again.

  8. Water it just after sunrise.  This way the grass has time to dry off before the blazing sun strikes down.  If you water it at night--and many people swear by evening watering--you risk provoking fungal growth in your soil.  If you live in a humid area that is a possibility.

  9. Early in the morning, as late in the day promotes mold and moss in your lawn.

  10. Early evening.

    FYI...watering after dark will encourage fungus growth.

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