
Best to buy a hybrid now or wait?

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was looking to buy now or my question should i wait a year or so and see what technology brings out....




  1. The Chevy Volt might be worth waiting for.  Otherwise, you must weight your options based on what you're currently driving and its mpg as well as what you're willing to pay for a new car.  Be advised that not all hybrids get significantly better mileage than conventional engine cars.  Use this website to research fuel economy raitngs for various cars:

  2. Until hybrid tech improves, you might be better off saving your money for now & getting a really fuel efficient regular 4 cyl car. The Nissan Sentra, Honda Civic, etc... The money you'd spend on a hybrid can fuel a reg 4 cyl car for years. That's what I'm doing now. I just got a Sentra & I love it. It gets 33 mpg and it will get better. I'm hoping for diesel hybrids in the next few years to be the future. But I really hope that CNG will be readily avalible in the next 5 yrs. Then I can fuel my car from my homes cng source.

  3. Two seperate propulsion systems tied to each other with an electrical generator. Very complex and expensive. Many systems operate on High Voltage and can kill technicians and first responders to accidents. Until fully electric cars are available or fuel cell cars are here. Hybrid technology is all we have right now. How about a TOXIC BATTERY that needs to be replaced every 7 to 10 years that costs $5,000 and dealer only auto servicing.

  4. Why not convert your car to using a Hydrogen Electrolizer unit instead of buying a new car with car payments!  This unit can be found @ to save money on gas (if interested) the cost pays for itself in a short time.  Going green is important in todays world in which we live!

  5. Wait unless you can afford a

    GS Lexus Perforance and GREEN (Hybrid)

    LS Is even better ...

    If you can't afford them stay away from Hybrid unless you live in Suburban area and work Downtown L A or NY City etc .... Where you drive in heavy traffic 30 to 50 % of your day or around town.

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