
Best to wean before or after back to work? (1 yr old)?

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I have an 8 month old, I will be going back to work when he is a year old. At the same time he will be going into daycare 5 days a week. I don't want to nurse him much beyond a year as it would be extremely inconvenient at my job to pump. So my question is, would it be better to completely wean him by 12 months, or else nurse him when we are together (morning, supper and bed). He is a bit of a 'breast-a- holic" and nurses 8-10 times a day! I am leaning towards continuing to nurse him, but how should I begin the process, how soon should I start weaning him?




  1. I went back to work when my DD was 1 year. I started weaning about 2 weeks before I went back. I introduced a sippy cup during the day with whole milk and kept up morning and night breast feedings.

    Don't worry too much, your baby will change a lot between 8 and 12 months. As you introduce more and more new foods, you likely will find he will gradually reduce his nursing demands.

    kellymom has great info on weaning

    Weaning: How does it happen?

  2. You are such a good mommy. :)  Definitely do not wait until after you start to work to wean him if he will also be in daycare 5 days a week. I think this would traumatize him. Instead, start cutting him down now, and then have him down to 'mommy time' nurses (like you said, morning, supper, bed) so when you *do* start back to work and he has to go to daycare he will still have that attachment. I would definitely have him weaned to that point at least a month before you start back to work, or at least a couple of weeks, so he can first get used to not being attached to the breast, and then get used to being in daycare. I think if you introduce both slowly, he will adjust and be fine. :)

  3. You need to get him started for whatever you plan before going back to work, that way you know when he is in someone else care he will be ok.  

    I don't really think breastfeeding is very effective after one year anyway.  They say your milk is not as nutritious as it would be when he was younger.  Plus a lot of daycares will not deal with breastfeed babies or even use it at daycares as a health precaution. (body fluid).  I fortunately found a great home care provider who didnt mind.

  4. I would wean before going back to work for sure. If he will take to the bottle and the will be lucky!! Try it. I had one child out of 3 that took to both equally well. At his next feeding..try giving him a bottle of formula. See how he takes to it. It might take a few trys but it will be worth it if you can do both.

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