
Best trade in nba history?

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howard, odom, turkoglu, peitrus, nelson


kaman, lewis, thornton, gordon, davis


bynum, gasol, marion, kobe, fisher


camby, haslem, beasley, wade, chalmers




  1. Not to bad, but it still makes the Clippers a worse team than they are now, so I am afraid I would have to say; no. It does not really benifit any team in a huge way, though It might help put L.A. into a position to beat the Celtics, but thats not 100% either.

  2. not bad

  3. best trade in history...nah

  4. this looks like a trade for a LA Lakers fan. the Magic would never give up Rashard Lewis after clocking in a 50 win season, with such a young team and a second round showing for Tim Thomas and Lamar Odom, two guys famous for melting down under pressure.

    Lewis is the perfect compliment to Howard's game.

    and of course, Miami would essentially be giving Marion away for some scrubs and Marcus Camby, a guy that doesn't fit into a system with Wade and Beasley like Marion does.

    I like the trade because it would really shake up a lot of rosters, and garner some interest. but it just wouldn't happen.

  5. If the Lakers got Marion they would dominate all things.

  6. clippers still sound like a bad team

  7. The heat don't get very much out of the deal. If I was them I would keep Marion (A proven player) over Chalmers ( A rookie who might bust).

  8. The Heat would never do that trade, Marion for grandpa Camby, Fluke Walton and another grandpa Mobley.

  9. after looking at this trade i have a feeling you are not blonde

  10. wrong! the celtics just made best moves ever to get garnett, allen, and pierce in same lineup!! results???? they go from 24-58 to 82 wins! and title in one year!!

  11. I think you should change the question to Worst trade in NBA history.

  12. worst trade i ever saw Gordon needs a veteran and Lewis sucks Orlando gets worse by trade away JJ a young star for the old Odom and Mihm. You must be a Laker fan because that would be a big four Bynum through Kobe in your roster.Heat get worse because Marion is way better than Camby,Mobley and Walton combined.Overall the trade makes teams worse so it would never happen and these Lakers fans are annoying

  13. I think one of the best trades no matter how tainted it was, lol  The Gasol trade, plus Boston getting the big 3.  Still a conspiracy theory there for me.. lol

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