
Best tv show?

by  |  earlier

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can anyone tell me the best tv show.....plz!!!!!! it cant be on foxtel .....just normal telly.....and it cant be on at midnight!




  1. 'supernatural' for sure,

    if not - then 'house'

  2. underbelly

  3. Sorry to all the other answerers. The answer is Battlestar Galactica. Best HD show is CSI:Miami.

  4. smallville is good

  5. Can anyone TELL you what is the best TV program? You've got to be s**ting me. You can't tell what's best for you? You must just be terminally bored, huh?

    BTW, Tommy Boy, this is the TV ELECTRONICS forum. I think you want Y/A's "Entertainment & Music-TV" forum, where they discuss non-tech TV questions like TV programs, but not there! I'm almost sure that if you post there you'll get a dozen answers, each as intellectually stimulating as the question you pose.
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