
Best type of bedding/litter for rats?

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Alright, so everyone seems to have different opinions. I just bought two baby male rats 3 days ago, and I was following the 'experts' advice by using Cedar wood chips. I then was told that I shouldn't use wood at all, and to switch to CareFresh (recycled paper pellets), so this is what I did. And now I'm being told that CareFresh is too dusty and that I should use something different. Anyone have any suggestions/experience with different types of bedding/litter?

Also, one of my little guys is sneezing a lot, could this be from the Cedar or is he sneezing coz it's a new environment?




  1. carefresh comes highly recommended, but you should watch your rats closely to make sure the dustiness isn't bothering them or causing them respiratory problems.  i personally use yesterday's news in my boys' litter boxes and have been very happy with it.  i use fleece to line the rest of the cage.

    you should stay away from pine and cedar, but aspen shavings are fine and some people prefer those for litter boxes or even the entire cage.  i've heard rats enjoy digging in the shavings.

  2. Aspen is appropriate. It's about the only wood product on the shelves that isn't known to do harm.

    Carefresh is fine, too. Sure, it may carry some dust, but it's pretty hard to find a bedding that doesn't.

    Personally, I use Yesterday's News. It's just what works best for me. Great odor control, easy to clean, and the rats don't throw it out of the cage when they shift it around.

    As for sneezing, it's probably due to the new environment. New scents to adjust to. I wouldn't rush into worrying about it, unless it persists into next week. Then you may want to have a vet evaluate the new guys. (I always take my new rats to the vet for general check up, but I know it's not always possible for everyone).

  3. Cedar is very bad, as well as pine. I use Yesterday's News which I find less dusty than most beddings.

  4. CareFresh is highly recommended for rat bedding.  I've been using it for a while now and I don't find it dusty at all.  It's much easier to clean, its very absorbent, and is very good with odor control.  

  5. well who ever said cedar wood was akay is WRONG!!

    cedar is very uncomfortable and that is also mostlikely what is making them sneeze.

    if i were u i would use the carefresh ultra.

    this is very comfortable for your hamster and is environmental friendly.

  6. Don't use cedar.  I don't know what "experts" you talked to, but no person with actual rat knowledge would recommend that.

    CareFresh is highly recommended by vets and rat owners.  It can be a little dusty, but it depends on if it bothers you or your rats.  I've used it since I got my girls 1.5 years ago and haven't had any problems.

    Other people recommend Yesterday's News.  Another option is to lay old towels or fleece blankets on the floors of the cage.  When the get soiled, you can just take them out and wash them.

    You can check out these sites for more ideas (they also say what you SHOULD NOT use):

    As for the sneezing, rats sneeze when they are anxious/stressed.  He might just be sneezing because he's still getting used to his new environment.  He might also be sneezing because of the cedar.  I'd wait a week or so with the new litter to see if he gets better.   As a side note, if you start seeing red "blood" around his nose, it's not blood and it's something rats produce as well when stressed (can also appear around the eyes).

    Also check out these sites to do further research regarding your rats.  You want to keep them as happy and healthy as possible!

    Hope that helps!

  7. Rats bedding's, no matter what other people Say think you shouldn't use any type of wood because its all wood just that some types aren't as dusty as others!

    I use either shredded cardboard or Bob martins dust free 100% recycled paper cat litter and my 4 girls are fine with it.

    Your boy could be sneezing due to the wood bedding or he could just have a cold. But just to be sure change your wood bedding.

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