
Best type of fish for a 29 gallon aquarium? I PICK ANSWER!!!

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I have a fully cycled 29 gallon aquarium with a filter, heater and air pump. I'm interested in colorful african cichlids (what types can I have, and how many). Also if I can't have any african cichlids then can I have angel fish, what are some other compatible fish I could have with them??? I would also like a community tank with dwarf garamis, guppies and a school of tetras.

What is best? Any advice? What else would you suggest. Thanks!!!!!




  1. mollies and angelfish get along.

  2. i advise getting the community tank.

    that's what i have, and i like being able to have a variety of types of fish, and they all get along very well.

    cichlids are very aggressive, and do not take well to any other types of fish being in their tanks [similar to beta fish, but they get along with each other]

    i suggest putting a Plecostamus in there to help keep the tank clean

    also, a community tank doesn't have to be all fish, i recently bought an african dwarf frog in my tank too

    also, angelfish get along with barbs, catfish, danios, gouramis, loaches, mollies, platies, rainbow fish, rasbora, sharks, swordtails, and tetras.

    =] hope that helped.

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