
Best vacation for two guys from Los Angeles?

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Since I can remember, my friend and I have both worked at jobs that required 60-80 hours of attention a week. Recently, he sold his restaurant and I quit my job, so we've been trying to plan a trip together. We have about one week and although his budget is much higher than mine, we both decided to spend around $1500 max on the trip each. We both live in Los Angeles and as long as the transit time isn't too long, we're up for anything. Any suggestions??




  1. New York City. Be a couple of wild and crazy guys and see SNL.

  2. San Francisco for sure. Downtown SF is the best place to visit. But, I think the trainsit time is 6 hours or something. So if that is way too long, which I'm sure it is, try Misson Beach in San Diego. Great nightlife,  it's averaging 60-70 now and rarely rains there. Mission Beach is where i'd like to be right now.

  3. Two guys (I'm assuming single) should go somewhere that you can see a lot of skin.  I'd say fly into Miami, spend the night (out and about) then the next day catch a cruise for a few days to the Bahamas.  There are tons of very reasonably priced cruises out of Miami (I think, but you better check on my geography).

  4. Since you only have $1,500 each you should think about Cabo, Costa Rica, or Cancun.

    Cabo is good if you want to do some serious fishing and partying.

    Cancun is good if you just want to do some serious partying.

    Costa Rica is good for nature, beaches, fishing & partying.

    With the price of airline tickets, Asia and Europe are totally out of your budget. Definitely look to South of the Border to maximize your dollar's spending ability.

  5. take a trip to Africa, west Africa to be precise..... Nigeria. and stay in a place called ajegunle! to see the other side of life?! the other side of los angeles!

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