
Best video camcorder?

by  |  earlier

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hi. im looking for a good cam for personal use and youtube videos. so nothin professional. im not spending any more than $350 US. ive got a computer so i can record then copy to my computer and delete it from the camera. nothin too cheap. and not those stupid flip brand camcorders for kids.

it would be nice if it had the mpeg-4 thing.

i want it to have the screen that flips out to the left so i can see what im taping.

and i want it to have the ability to take still pictures also. uh. i think thats it, but if i think of sumthin ill update.





  1. panasonic

  2. You can get a nice Sony or Canon camcorder for even cheaper than that, though you'd probably want to use the full amount you're willing to pay in order to get the most out of either brand camcorder.

  3. Maybe this will help:

    Which Digital Video Camera Should You Buy?

    Good luck!
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