
Best way to apologize?

by  |  earlier

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In terms of apologizing to a friend that I made angry and could have possibly hurt, whats better, a gift or a letter of apology? I want to visit her to say I am sorry in person, but shes in another state and she has not returned my emails, texts, or calls.I was planning on sending her a letter via snail mail, with hopes that if she saw my efforts that I was sincere.




  1. if she's not returning anything, then send her a letter.  if THAT'S returned, then you need to just leave it alone.  what'd you do to make her that mad?

  2. Just show up on the doorstep. Either way it goes it'll be wonderfully dramatic.

  3. Letter via snail mail. A gift looks like you're just sucking up.

    But don't you DARE beg, or she will have control over you.

    I once ticked off my friend, and finally I just said,"I'm not going to beg, Nicole. I am sorry, and if you don't accept it, too bad."

    Sure enough, she got over it the next day

  4. Internet flower store.

  5. Seems like she wants to stay mad at you...don't beg, you'll resent it later.


  7. I think writing a letter of apology would be just right.  You have to remember that even though you say you are sorry, your friend might not accept the apology.  If this is the case, you need to move on.

  8. It may be too late if she's already ignoring you.  If you can arrange to see her in a group situation, you can pull her aside first for a quick apology.  As the event goes on, she may forgive and let go without the pressure of being one-on-one.
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