So right now, I have a credit card with BofA, and pay my bills in full on time. I went to the doctor recently and was told by him to open Care Credit and charge my medical bills on it to build my credit. That part I'm perfectly fine with.
This is the part of his advice that I question. He gave me several payment options, and I told him that I will go with the none interest payment option and pay my debt within a year required to avoid the interest rate. He then informed me that it would be better to get a 60 month payment plan where they only require me to pay $50 a month and just pay OVER that amount. Saying that it will easily get my build my credit faster because from the credit company's point of view, I'm not only giving them interest, but paying over my amount.
Is he correct? I mean, I have a good standing right now and am in no rush to build my credit. I don't even know what my credit is! All I know is that I pay all my bills in full and on time. Advice?