
Best way to clean sliding glass door... It's really dirty!!?

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Hi... what's the best way to clean a sliding glass door that has tons of hard water spots, plus grime, dirt and I'm sure slobber from my two dogs jumping all over it constantly. I've tried hosing it down and have tried windex but it doesn't cut the mess. Any suggestions?? Thanks so much.




  1. The easiest thing I have found is C L R. I use it on a rag and go over all the spots first. Then I go over the whole door. Last I clean it after rinsing with Windex. The hard water stains are the hardest to remove, but the C L R does it, and it's much easier to use than "Lime Away"

  2. buy some Limeaway from an grocery or discount store. it's made to take off that crud.

  3. Have you tried cleaning the glass door with vinegar & water?

  4. I am a professional cleaner and besides homes and businesses I also clean out move out apartments.  The glass doors in those apartments are really dirty sometimes.  I think the best solution would be to mix some windex in a bucket of water, it shouldn't be too strong and scrub with a clean rag.  Use a dry rag to dry and get the fuzzies off.  If you use any other product or just windex you will probably be left with a big streaky mess.

  5. The best way is to start scrubbing it with warm water and washing up liquid. Get the worst off that way. Then use a little vinegar and water to remove streaks and add some shine! That's what was recommended by Spaceslide for my glass door and it works a treat!

  6. To start, use some damp newspaper (especially the black and white ones) and some baking soda.  Scrub the filth off and hose it off.  Should have removed most of the gooey stuff and nose smears (my dogs like to run their nosey noses along the glass while barking and carrying on that someone is outside!) and fingerprints.  Then once that is done, get a spritzer bottle half vinegar and half water with 1 single drop of dish washing liquid and some newspaper (same kind) and wipe down completely.  Should be nice, clean and no smears, nose drips or fingerprints left.  Hope this helps you!  Good luck!

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