
Best way to control termites?

by  |  earlier

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I want to protect my home from potential termite infestation and I am not sure what type of service is the best. I have two options to do a preventive chemical treatment that includes a guarantee for potential damages to my home or to do the chemical treatment with no guarantee for potential termites damage to my home. In the last case, the only guarantee would be for the effectiveness of the treatment itself.

Thank you




  1. if the home is treated with Termidor, it would be rare to have an issue to begin with. Since Termidor came out in 2000 I have yet to have a call back on any home I have treated with it. I choose not to offer damage repair due to the local companies that do offer it have an initial charge starting over $2000, the same house that I treat rarely goes over $1000.  Those other companies yearly renewal usually avg over $300 and quickly go higher through out the contract, mine avg $125 a year renewal and I have never raised an existing customers price.  The average cost of repair is a little over $300.  So the companies that offer the damage warranty in a 5 year period would of collected around $3200. Mine and other companies that offer re treatment only would of collected around $1500.  The money saved by the homeowner will more than enough cover the expense of repairs.  The other issue which happens a lot is getting the treating company admitting they are liable for repairs.   I get several new homes a year from people who got frustrated with the company they were dealing with for the extra money they were paying out got them nothing when an actual claim was made.

  2. Check out the following web page about various termite barriers...  

    It also branches off to another web page on termites.

    Hope this helps!

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