
Best way to convince parents to have a garage sale?

by  |  earlier

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they keep saying later. for 3 years now. my and my sister need to sell our stuff. suggestions?




  1. Have your own garage sale without mom and dad.  Pick a day and time and let your folks know that you are planning it. you will take cae of everything and get rid of anything that doesn't sells..  Then ask them if they would like to join you .

  2. just get up one saturday and put yur stuff out and sit there and try to sell it! they may join you but dont be mad or vindictave just be responsible and mature. they will respect that and in the future , they will remember your maturity.

    good luck with the sale!!

  3. Tell them, Think of the clutter we will get rid of" Therefore the house will be cleaner. Tell them you will clean up after and maybe suggest that if you make enough you will treat them to dinner that night.

  4. tell them they should have the garage sale cuz if not then you and your sister will steal whatever you want to buy with the money instead :)

  5. Tell them that you have a lot of useless stuff that you really need to sell. Say if you sell it you can give them some of the money also. Say that your place will probably be neater and more organised. But don't ask them too much or else they can get annoyed and won't let you sell anything.

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