
Best way to find a place to stay in italy?

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What is the best way to find a good,cheap place to stay in Italy? Is it too hard to find a place when you get there, or is it better to book things in advance? I have heard it can be good to ask around when you get there but I am not sure I can count on that.

Also, where can i go online to find places that are cheaper on the outskirts of the cities (ie: farmhouses, cabins, rooms)? I hear thats pretty cheap.

Looking to go in June, and visit Rome, Florence, Milan and Cinque Terra areas.





  1. I think venere is not giving good rates as the second asnwer said. coz all the time i was able to find better deal from small online guys than big names like venere and

    my advise is, you search through yahoo or google and compare several sites for your dates. At least 6 - 8 sites . then you can find variety of hotels/ hostals or appartments at different rates.

    becareful some sites, at first page shows the room rate and no other charges shows, but when we go to pay by cerit card, they have added, breakfast, taxes and so many other charges to room rate. Therefore be carefull when you compare the total price from each sites.

    But I am sure if you spend few times searching you can find best places at competitive rate.

    Other advise is to stay from bit far way from central city areas in Rome, florence and milan, then hotel cost will be half than central places. but there are enough transport facility available and you can enjoy that also with italian way

    Hope you will have enjoyable trip in italy

  2. It is fairly easy to find a place as you go, or a few nights in advance (we used the Lonely Planet Guide to Italy - it's unbeatable - ours is threadbare through over use!)  The only place I would definitely recommend booking ahead is in the Cinque Terra - it was packed up there and finding accommodation was difficult and more expensive than anywhere else.  If you are travelling by train, then there are loads of cheaper accommodation to be found near the train station areas. - but they're not always the greatest.  Depending on what you want though - if you're just after cheap then they're fine - hey, you're in Italy, you're hardly going to be spending a lot of time in your room!  It is cheaper on the outskirts, but you have to factor in travel costs to get into the centres of the cities, where many of the sights are.  I'd recommend gelati from Blue Ice in Piazza Navona, and definitely do "the walk" in the Cinque - it's hard but glorious!  And it wont' be too hot in June.  Enjoy!

  3. I'm italian and I've been travelling through Italy this summer...I suggest u to book the hostels (or actually camping is even cheaper) through

    The one that i've found in Florence was quite nice (14 euros per night and u had your own bed inside the tent...with a stunning view...i think it was a Michelangelo Plus)...In rome I went to a hostel called Casa Olmata...It wasn't nice...but it was very close both to the center and to the train station (which is good if u have heavy luggage)...In Milan there are not many cheap placese...and also in the Cinque Terre...

  4. please look at my site, i rent an stdio apt. in the center of Rome, just few minutes walk from the spanish steps, the price is very good  becouse there is not an elevator and is on a 5th floor.



    (the hotel stendhal next to my building charge 250 euro a nigth, I charge around 80)

  5. I use the site to book hotels in Italy (I live in northern Italy and travel often). After you select city and dates, you can sort by area of the city, price, ratings, and read reviews of specific places.  There are specific options for looking at alternatives in the surroundings of a city, apartments, farmhouses, ...

    If you're looking for cheap and close in Rome, a good option may be the Hotel Romano (75 euro) It's very close to the Forum & Colosseum and within walking distance of two metro stops and the Termini train station. Another option about 2 blocks to Roma Termini is the Serena (90 euro)

    Both of the above suited my needs.

    You might be also interested in a stay at a convent or monastery in Italy. These tend to be some of the best lodging bargains available. There are a number of them in Rome, but you can find them everywhere. In some places in Italy, a monestary stay may be free. see: or

    My brother and his wife stayed in a convent in Rome and loved it. A niece and nephew later did the same and also recommended it. They're all planning to come back next year and want to stay again.

    It's not really too hard to find a place on arrival if you're not in the middle of an event or at the peak tourist season. There are offices in the main train stations and airports that match up people with places to stay. I would avoid the individuals that may ask if you're looking for a place to stay though.

  6. I'm taking my wife the 1st week in April. I was looking for rooms when one of my co-workers suggested looking at B&B's. There are som really nice one's both in and out of the cities. Of course it will be a little cheaper to stay outside of the cities. Depending on when you are going, depends on what the rates will be. I have found some nice B&B's just ouside the cities (within 5 - 7 miles) for as little as 30 Euro. That's about 43 dollars per night. If in Rome, in the city, you will pay a little more. 50 - 100 Euro per night. A really nice one I found is the Giampy Guest House. They have private bathrooms and is 4 short blocks from the rail station.

    You can also google "pensions in Italy." This will bring up alot of small B&B's.

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