
Best way to find my family castle?

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my grandpa told me that our family had a castle in ireland.

its in cork county, but i dont know where,and i would like to take my dad to see it. whats the best way to look it up?




  1. Yea everybodys grandpa tells them that.

    If he owned a castle he would still be in ireland as not many castle owners were affected by the factors that made  people to decide to emmigrate.

    if that was the case most of us could claim castles,

  2. It's County Cork, not Cork county.

    What's your family name? If you know the name of the village, google it.

    There are probably at least a hundred derelict castles in County Cork, and most of them now belong to the State.

  3. Did He have a wee twinkle in his eye at the time?God love him.

  4. look up your ancestory or research the local castles in the county to see the history of them

  5. that's what they say in Ireland as spinning a yarn

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