Tell me what is the best way for me to get All A honor in 11th grade?
I will be coming back to my magnet school, usually I get A's and C's, I have yet to get AB honor roll. I want to give it all I got my junior year, I want to make ALL A honor roll.
I just have the anticipation for school to begin and I want to do w/e I can to get ALL A honor roll in school, I am also aware of the SAT. This is why I need the help of you guys so I could perhaps get all A Honor the whole school year. I go to a magnet school where classes are harder.
So, what is it that I need to do to get all A honor roll?
My school releases its students at 3:10 pm, and tell me what is the ideal schedule or what I will need to do as soon as I come home from school. Also tell me what I will need to do in class.
I really want to get ALL A honor my junior year in my Magnet High School. If you can help me it will be appreciated.
ALSO, tell me how much time I should spend on yahoo answers and myspace as soon as school begins.