
Best way to get HD channels from a set-top box to windows media center?

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I want to record HDTV on my computer but i can't find a tv tuner with HD support for all channels (not just the locals). Is there maybe a HDMI or Component capture card that I could connect my STB to for Media Center?




  1. HP Sells the d4999z with an external ATI TV wonder TV card with CableCard support (extra $290).

    You will need Vista.

  2. Nothing affordable that I've seen. There's the Matrox RT X2 at $2000, or the EDIUS SP at $4000.

    You might be able to get a CableCard computer and record directly into Media Center, bypassing the STB, for the same cost.


    I just saw this over at Chris Lanier's blog. HD Component input in the $250 range, due in May! (It's H.264, so don't expect Media Center support until Figi)

    This new item could cause the content providers to engage the 480-only flag, which would be too bad for anyone watching Bluray, satellite or cableTV in 1080i over component video.


    Using TV Guy's model (d4999z) I just built out a single CableCard system for $1700 on HP's web site.

  3. There is not easy solution - I have been trying to find a sensible solution for a few months now.  Alienware offers a Media center with HD tuner and CableCard compatibility - the only media server I have seen so far.  But CableCard has limitation - not all channels will be showing, until CableCard 2.0 comes out.

    The only solution I found - not a pretty one I have to say - is to copy from HD-DVR, which has enabled FireWire connections.  If you do have the right box, you can transfer unprotected RECORDED content to your Media center.  I am not sure which soft you need on PC - I use iRecord on my Mac.

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