
Best way to get a college scholarship to Film School?

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I have already have 180 hours in volunteering in media at my church in one year, I have 7 years left to go so I am not too worried.




  1. Try these:

  2. You can try to go to

    it's about scholarships information.

    Good luck

  3. What colleges want to see is that you're an active and productive citizen in your community. It's a good idea to branch out from just film related volunteering. Try tutoring at homeless shelters, soup kitchen's, etc. Also, most film schools give talent & financial based scholarships.

  4. Well 180 hours is a little low, but I am sure that if you work towards a higher amount of hours (I would say at least over 500) and volunteer with at least 1 or 2 more media oriented organizations, you might have a shot at a couple scholarships.  Make sure to keep your grades up too and get involved in school activities, maybe start a media club.

    What do you mean by 7 years?  Of elementary+ high school?

    If you go to fastweb, they have scholarships that you can apply to.  Good luck.

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