
Best way to get from Mendoza, Argentina, to Ushuaia, Argentina?

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Also, best way to get from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Mendoza, Argentina? And a site (that works) to book tickets!!!

1. Low budget

2. Fast travel




  1. Difficult to answer...

    If you want to fly, most likely you will need to go to Buenos Aires and then to Usuahia. Try Aerolineas Argentinas or Lan.

    But you may want to travel by bus. Buses in Argentina are not expensive and are first class, although the distances are huge and getting to Usuahia is tricky as you will have to cross to Chile several times. But you can sleep in the bus pretty comfortable (sleeper) and save some hotel money too, you just need to pick the right schedule and travel the boring parts at night and the more scenic during the day.

    I would go from Mendoza to Bariloche by bus, stay in the area a few days (really nice) and then go south from there, either continue by bus or you can fly from Bariloche to Usuahia, or do a one way by bus and return by plane, etc.

    I bet you can find cheap flights, but I believe they charge more to foreigners and more if you buy the tickets outside Argentina...

    Good luck!

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