
Best way to get geared? (holy/disc priest)?

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Hi, I just hit 70 as a priest and I was knowing how I should go about getting geared? I'm going to go holy, but I'm also a bit interested in going holy/disc for pvp.

So where do I start? thanks! :)




  1. If you are planning to do the Heroics and Raids I would advise against gearing in Welfare Epics (PvP epic gear) especially as a priest.  The reason for not using PvP gear for PvE events is because of the lack of mana sustainability.  Sure you will have tons of HP but you will go through your mana like crazy because you don't have enough mana per 5 seconds.

    One of the most sure fire ways to pick up great gear is to go into tailoring.  I know this isn't advisable at level 70 but I did if for my shadow at level 70 and used the IQD dailies to fund power leveling the profession.  While doing this you can PVP for your PVP gear.  

    There are several people I have come across that did PvP for their weapon and a few select pieces until they got their T4 equiequivalentp out of Kara though.  I will say that holy priests are more forgiving in gearing this way because they need no spell hit rating.

  2. Bg's and Arenas easily the fastest way to get good gar. Get the highest avail honor gear as you work towards the highest gear of arena points gear. Dungeons and c**p are not fast at all for gearing unless you already have really decent gear and can get into a guild that is raping high end all ready and has alot on farm status and can gear you up fast.

  3. PvP gear is not good for raiding priests at all.  If you want to do PvP and arena grind out your honor in AV and get the marks you need from he other BGs.

    For raiding, you need to run heroics and Kara for early gear.  Kara can easily be pugged now, and being a healer you should have no trouble finding a spot.  You'll need the badges from these for better gear.

    Also some of the Netherstorm quests offer some nice rewards (blues) that will do just fine until you get some epics.

  4. 1.  Tailoring.  Make the Primal Mooncloth set.  It's that good.  Really.  the stats aren't the greatest, but the effects/bonuses are great.

    2.  Badge gear.  Badge gear.  Badge gear.  That means lots of Heroics/Kara's.  I recommend the robe first and foremost, even though it breaks the primal mooncloth set.  But its 100 badges, so you'll still be getting some use out of the mooncloth robe.

    3.  PvP Gear.  Ya, they're saying don't do it, but there are some good pieces out there --- rings, neck, trinkets (pvp trinket is a must for a lot of raids to break fear!)  Weapon is nice here if you don't want to wait for the badge one.  I have the S2 hood and shoulders on my Disc/Holy priest and they were definately an upgrade over the t4 (kara) gear she was using.

    4.  Rep gear.  All of the old 70 pvp armor has been moved to different rep vendors (lower city, shatar, etc.) and its an easy (cheap) way to get some blues to gear up with while you're working on the epics.  There should be both a Healy and DPS set for priests, so check which bits you're buying because the vendor could have the Healy Robe and the DPS legs on him, not both heally pieces.

    5.  Plan your upgrades!  Use the armory on Blizzards WoW site to find upgrades that are obtainable!  Its one of the nicest features of the armory site.

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