I got my Tentative schedule in the mail and I found out I may or may not have 2 honor classes, those two being, Physics Honors and American History Honors.
I have a love/hate for History in General, Im fascinated by it, but also hate the horrific events that happen in any kind of history (I freaked out when learning a little about the black plague in world history for example).
I have been put in Physic honors because I sign for it, but this being a tentative schedule means I may or may not have it by the first day. I slacked off in chemistry barely managing to pass with a D to earn my credit. And going into Physics scares me to be truthful. I will buckle down and not slack off or procrastinate much my junior year. Im not sure if I need Physics because I plan to be a Pharmacist. But I do need the science credit.
Any advice for the two POSSIBLE classes I may or may not be taking?