
Best way to get into shape for Cross Country??

by Guest31629  |  earlier

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So, I started the season off pretty bad, and I want to get into shape so I can be a better Cross Country runner, any ideas?




  1. Not sitting on the computer is probably a good start.

  2. xc is alot of running i would average about 20 to 25 miles a week because in cross country u will do around 6 miles a day except we did 10 miles once but when your running go through the woods and up and down hills because you also do alot of hills practice on your race pace for 5k and push yourself to the limits. breath 4 steps in and 4 steps in and 4 out to maximize oxygen intake i made the mistake of not running through the summer last year and i died but this year as i ran through the summer im right out front with everyone  

  3. There is no way around it-you'll have to run, or at least push yourself physically.

    Run long distances (slowly), do some hills, try running your home course for practice (learn when to push, when to back off, etc)

    Your other option is to cross train: swimming laps, biking, eliptical, tennis (run for every ball), football. One thing i did is put a stationary bike in front of my xbox and played some Duty for an hour (while riding lol).  the object of cross training is to improve cardiovascular fitness-you dont necessarily have to run

    that help? good luck

  4. Run a lot during the off season. Don't just start a week or so before the season. Try running all summer. But you can't really do anything about that now since it's in the past, just remember to do that for next year.

    But if you want to get in shape quickly start by not taking days off. Run every day, including weekends, and if you need an OCCASIONAL day off, take one now and then. Other than that, push yourself harder. Run further and faster. Work for what you want, and it'll happen.

    Good luck! Hope your season gets better as it goes! =]

  5. I am going to be in Cross Counry in like a week too and I have been just biking and running a lot. And so of course when you are running and stuff you should be drinking lots of water. NO GATORADE BEFORE YOU RUN!!! You will vomit. I have experienced it. Drink Gatorade after you run. Water before.


  6. You should start eating healthier. such as granola bars and fruits (bananas, apples, pears, kiwi, grapes, etc)

    Also you should train everyday and have at least one long run per week. Like if you run 4 miles a day you should double that one day per week. Example : Run 8 miles on Sunday.  

    Get a buddy to run as well, it makes training way more fun and you will be more consistent because if you make plans with someone to run, you most likely won't blow them off and not go, so you will be more likely to get your run in for that day.

    Good Luck! =)

  7. stretch stomach,hamstrings


    buildup leg muscels

    run .5-1m mile daily at least.[[best in the morning]]

    eat a helthy diet

    get a lott of fuids[water,gatorade,poweraide-i prefer water]

    eat light before practice:]

  8. run a lot

  9. Just try hard and dont give up, drink lots of water, eat healthy food

  10. Run about 4 miles twice a day and increase as you see fit.  Cross-training with swimming is also good becuase you can work your upper body but will not gain a huge amount of muscle mass, which can slow you down.  While running, you will not have to use your arms for cardio, which your body will be trained to do from swimming, so your body will have more energy to focus on the running.  Also, practice your kick by running miles at an easy pace for the 1st 3 laps, then running as fast as possible for the last lap.  I would add this kick practice in at the end of my 2nd 4-mile run after a short rest of a couple minutes.  This will help you simulate race fatigue, but you will still have enough energy to effectively practice your kick.  Also, if you are brave, you can try holding your breath while you run for a few seconds every 30 seconds.  Try holding it longer and longer as you progress.  This is a good way to practice upping your lung efficiency without going to Colorado springs to train!

    -Do not ever drink soda!  The CO2 causes your blood to be less efficient at carrying oxygen.  Also, get your RDA of iron everyday (but do not take more than you need) since iron is a necessary element of hemoglobin in the blood and is used to help carry oxygen.  

    -Develop a consistent routine that you can stick with and you can improve on.

    -Keep a runners log.  Write down your times everyday.  Write thoughts on your pace, kick, etc. and learn from your mistake and improve on your strengths.


    Here's a site that lets you put in your mile time and gives you a personal schedule that should help you train and gets you ready for the next meet. Hope I helped some!!! =)

  12. RUN. A. LOT>

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