
Best way to get over a long term gf?

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I just broke up with my gf coz she was treating me like **** most of the time for the past 3 weeks(things were amazing b4 that) then things were amazing some of the time but wen i found out she'd been telling ppl she wasnt happy i broke up with her. I reli miss her now and havent heard from her since. i don't if shes missing me or what but im reli upset. we were together quite a while and i thort id ask the experienced ppl of yahoo answers what i should do. im just so upset all the time. should i try make contact and try be friends after all she's done to me or shud i leave her alone even tho i miss her so much?(i think things are well and truly over tho)




  1. meet another girl

  2. When mine left I cooked myself egg, chips and beans.

  3. I don't think being friends with her right now is going to work.You need to stay away from her

  4. Don't worry, its just the begining. There is much more than that in your know, whatever happens, happens for a reason. Just wait and see what was the reason, you will come across someone nicer than her. if she was not treating you well in first place then you should be releived. We hope for the best for you. try to engage yourself in the activities you like. Stay happy, assess that is she really worth it.

    Good luck, Boy!!

  5. If you got back together, would she treat you any better? I doubt it. It might be a good thing that it's over. It sounds like she'd already mentally checked out of the relationship 3 weeks ago and wasn't interested in talking about it or trying to make things work.

    Just keep busy and you'll find someone new soon who treats you better. :)

  6. Time is the best healer.

    Keep yourself busy, see friends and go out more.

    Perhaps get a new image/style..

    when you look good you feel good. Fact.

    I find that after breaking up from a long term partner my confidence was pretty much non existant so this helps you're confidence too when you look/feel good and the going out and socialising etc helps too.

    Dont go rushing into anymore relationships either, some people think that this helps take you're mind off it but it doesn't - chances are it'l turn into a rebound and you'll end up feeling worse. You need to learn to love you'rself again before you can love someone else.

    Its hard but asmuch as you're doubting you'll ever be over her at this point you will be. Remember, you didn't need her before you was with her so you don't now. Its just habbit probably.

    Good luck and stay strong - cutting all contact helps, as hard as it may seem. Atleast this way shes not in you're face all the time.

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