
Best way to get rid of COCKROACHES.... A product that works?

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Going to Tennerief and have been warned about the cockroaches. Anyone know of ways to keep them away? Been told; no open windows and putting towels against the bottom of the door. I need to know that there is no chance of one getting anywhere near my bed!!!!

Does anyone know a spray that actually repells them (and actually works) as apposed to just being used to kill them when you see one?

thanks. x




  1. i live in tenerife and don't get any cockroaches in my house (touch wood!).  the best spray to get is called Baygon and you can buy it here, its a green and red tin and you don't need for keeping windows shut and towels under doors, sorry to tell you but that won't work, they can still get in and having your windows shut at this time of year would be h**l on earth, its far too hot, you need air!!  enjoy your holiday!

  2. Hi, I live in the south of Spain & if you've got roaches there isn't a lot you can do about it in the summer to stop them getting in as they will usually come in through the bathroom tubes/ pipes or under the sink.

    Make sure you put the plugs in your showere, bath etc. Also there are lots of sprays but they all have a bad smell ( not good if your there as well or have kids).

    There is a spray called Bio Kill and it's used by schools, restaurants etc. It works & it doesn't have any smell. The best thing to do is spray it in the bathroom aroung the sink/ toilet/ bath especially where the pipes go into the walls.

    Do the same in the kitchen & take great care under the sink. Make sure you spary the bottom of the doors so they can't get under.

    If you want to try and eliminate them you can also put some traps down as they will enter them / when they return to their nest they will infect the rest of the colony and kill them and the eggs.

    You can buy these  in spanish supermarkets ( Mercadona, Hipersol, Hipercor, Carrefor)

    Hope this is of some help.

  3. Try the glue for roaches, it is the only thing i know that works. You just need a little bit and it works wonders. Look in the phone book under pest control and i am sure you will find a place that sells it. It is brown and looks similar to glue.

    Once you put the glue down it can last for up to 1 year or if going on vacation within a couple of days it starts to work after putting it down where they crawl.

  4. There are a few sprays that you can buy and also a powder, you can purchase from tescos or any hardware store.

  5. The best thing for roaches is a spray called Bengal. You can get it most anywhere. I got mine at Wal Mart and it will last for several months before you will have to spray again.

  6. In my flat I keep plugs in the sinks, and have fitted a mesh over the drain in the balcony to stop them coming in - the most usual way they find their way into houses is though the drains.  Its also important to keep everything tidy, not leaving crumbs on the floor unwashed dishes etc out as this attracts them.

    If you are in an apartment on the fist floor or above, blocking drains should be enough to keep them out - on the ground floor make sure they can´t get under doors etc...

    Not sure how common flying roaches are in Tenerife - they haven´t got to central Spain yet luckily.

    If you find one - don´t panic, they are disgusting  unhygienic horrible animals but they don´t actually harm you,ie they don´t bite.  (I repeat this to myself every time i see one in the road/metro to try to keep calm even though the horrible things really freak me out.)

    I would be more worried about mosquitoes.  These can be repelled with a plug in anti mosquito device that you plug in at night.  Also not turning your bedroom light on for the shortest amount of time possible, keeps them from biting at night.

  7. do you get rid of the cockroaches here? there is no way you can take any insect killer with you, you'll have to buy it in Tenerife. Good luck, I am sorry but your question is really funny.!!!!!

  8. A good slap with a shoe does the trick!!!

    You can buy powders, sprays etc., but you will not stop those coming through the windows which FLY!

    Many folks say roaches don't fly but they do, the big boys come over from Morocco, you can always tell them they are much bigger than normal roaches, ordinary house roaches are smaller with a kind of strip on their bodies,

    an old wives tale is to use a good amount of BAY LEAVES around drains, hidden cupboards in small dishes,I have tried this recently and it seems to kepp them out of my cupboard in the kitchen where I keep my tea/sugar.

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