
Best way to get rid of a fever ?

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Any ideas? Besides taking medicine.




  1. Besides medications, try a cool rag over the forehead, resting, and keeping hydrated with water.

  2. Drink lots of fluids, take a luke warm shower, try to relax. If you start getting chills, don't cover up and try to get warm, that will just make your fever go up. Also, take something for it. Tylenol or Asprin are good. If your fever lasts longer than 2 days, you should go to the doctor. It it gets above 102, you need to get to the ER ASAP! Anything above that can cause brain damage and damage your nervous system. And at 107 degrees, that's deadly. Good luck and I hope you feel better!

  3. try green rubbing alcohol it really helps to bring down a fever, and drink fluids while you have the fever get rest.

    My mother did this with us when we were younger Im 50 now. I did with my kids their fevers went right down just try it cant hurt

    feel better soon

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